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Simulating Transients with Renewable Energy Systems

ATPDesigner and Wind Power Plants: Simulating Transients wirh Short-Circuit
ATPDesigner also supports the calculation of the transients using the RPI-model (Renewable Power Infeed). This generic model has been designed and implemented to calculate the voltages, currents and electrical power under normal operation conditions. It is also possible to use the RPI-model to calculate the transients in case of a short-circuit. The RPI-model can be combined with the capabilities of the measuring device Probe e.g. to calculate the active and reactive power and the displacement factor at the Network Connection Point (NCP).

Renewable Energy Systems acc. the German Standard MSR2008

Since the release V 3.03.00 ATPDesigner supports the behavior of renewable energy systems with DC/AC-inverters according the German standard Erzeugungsanlagen am Mittelspannungsnetz - Richtlinie für Anschluss und Parallelbetrieb von Erzeugungsanlagen am Mittelspannungsnetz (Juni 2008) so called MSR2008. Especially the so called LVRT-Mode (Low Voltage Ride Through) and HVRT-Mode (High Voltage Ride Through) has been implemented using the generic RPI model (Renewable Power Infeed).

The LVRT-Mode defines the requirement that the renewable energy system must operate connected to the electrical power network also in case of a short-circuit for at least 150ms.

Example 1: ATPDesigner and Wind Power Plants acc. MSR2008