Network Elements
- Network Infeeds
- Busbars (with selectable shapes)
- Single-Circuit Lines (Mutual Coupled RL, RLC-PI, Distributed Line Model, ...)
- Double-Circuit Lines (Transposed, Untransposed)
- 3-Pole-Circuit Breakers
- 1-Pole-Circuit Breakers
- Switch (combined with optional TACS control signals)
- 1-Phase and 3-Phase - Load Impedances (Shunt Impedances)
- Shunt Impedance
- Transformers (Vector group, Neutral-Point Connection, ...)
- BCTRAN Transformer
- XFORMER Transformer
- SATURABLE Transformer Component
- Autotransformers
- Generators (S.M. 59 with TACS Interface)
- Connections
- Serial and Parallel Impedances
- Textframes
- Pictures (Bitmaps .BMP, JPEG-Files .JPG, ...)
- Grounding Systems
- Static Power Network Sources (ATP's 1-Phase Sources)
- 3-Phase Symmetrical Source
- Empirical Function (max. no. 10)
- External .ATP-File
- Splitter
- Probe (Measuring Voltages and Currents)
- Measuring Voltages, Currents, Active Power, Reactive Power, Displacement Factor
- Protection Relays: Overcurrent Protection, Distance Protection, Fuse, Controller for e.g. Wind Farms
- Fault Type and Fault Locations (Up to 3 Fault Locations with 3 Fault Types) (max. no 3)
- Measuring Locations (max. no 5)
- Current and Voltage Transformers (max. no 5)
- Capacitive Voltage Transformers (max. no 5)
- Current Transformer Saturation (max. no 5)
- TACS Data Card
- Nonlinear Element e.g. L(i)
- Admittance Function Y(s) ot Y(z)
- Multi Frequency Source (based on FFT Frequency Spectrum)
- Harmonic Frequency Source
- MOV - Metal Oxyd Varistor (ZNO Fitter)
- Support of MODELS files using External .ATP-Files
- Multi-Circuit Line (LINE CONSTANTS up to 29 phases)
- Electrical Machine (Type 56)
- Renewable Power Infeed